Pay for College - Go Wisconsin

Pay for College

Now is a great time to consider how you’re going to pay for college. The following will give you a better understanding of the process and the options available, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work study.


Get estimates for tuition at your University of Wisconsin! Tuition can vary for specific programs of study. If you have questions about tuition rates or would like more information regarding total cost of attendance, please contact the your UW campus.

Explore Financial Aid

There are whole bunch of organizations, resources, and people across our state dedicated to helping you find a smart way to afford your dreams. Find out about what financial aid might be available to you.

Build Your Budget

College is a huge investment. But there are ways to make it more affordable. The best way to start? By getting a good handle on what you need to budget. You can get up-to-the-minute costs for tuition, housing, meal plans and supplies using the Budget Builder.

Get Organized

It can take time to put together your financial plan. Continue exploring your financial aid options with national, local, and private programs. We have some tips and tools to help you stay organized. Take your time, stay positive. You got this!