Tuition Costs - UW HELP

Tuition Costs

Keeping track of where your money is going and how to plan for future expenses can be difficult. That’s why we created the Budget Builder. It’s a simple tool that calculates your estimated student budget including tuition, housing, meal plans, etc. Of course, these are just estimates and your actual cost may differ.

Annual Tuition at UW System Campuses (2021-22)The tuition listed below include fees. The below-reflected tuition and fees are estimates. Tuitions can vary for specific programs of study. If you have any questions about tuition and fees please contact the campus.

Wisconsin Resident

Campus Wisconsin Resident Tuition
UW-Eau Claire $7,931.40
UW-Eau Claire – Barron County $5,150.32
UW-Green Bay $7,124.88
UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus $6,174.86
UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus $6,174.86
UW-La Crosse $8,333.28
UW-Madison $10,006.08
UW-Milwaukee $8,772.24
UW-Oshkosh $7,060.80
UW-Parkside $6,978.00
UW-Platteville $7,125.60
UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County $5,210.98
UW-River Falls $7,120.56
UW-Stevens Point $7,378.32
UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield $5,150.40
UW-Stevens Point at Wausau $5,150.40
UW-Stout $7,715.10UW-Stout’s tuition rates are per credit. Tuition listed is for 30 credits.
UW-Superior $7,081.44
UW-Whitewater $7,118.64
UW-Whitewater at Rock County $5,187.60
Campus Minnesota Reciprocity Tuition
UW-Eau Claire $8,692.08
UW-Eau Claire – Barron County $5,315.76
UW-Green Bay $8,692.08
UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus $6,174.86
UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus $6,174.86
UW-La Crosse $8,692.08
UW-Madison $15,148.08
UW-Milwaukee $12,958.08
UW-Oshkosh $8,692.08
UW-Parkside $8,692.08
UW-Platteville $8,692.08
UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County $5,315.76
UW-River Falls $8,692.08
UW-Stevens Point $8,692.08
UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield $5,315.76
UW-Stevens Point at Wausau $5,315.76
UW-Stout $9,054.30UW-Stout’s tuition rates are per credit. Tuition listed is for 30 credits.
UW-Superior $8,692.08
UW-Whitewater $8,692.08
UW-Whitewater at Rock County $5,315.76
Campus Non-Resident Tuition
UW-Eau Claire $17,517.44
UW-Eau Claire – Barron County $12,783.16
UW-Green Bay $15,712.56
UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus $14,253.98
UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus $14,253.98
UW-La Crosse $17,779.92
UW-Madison $40,505.52
UW-Milwaukee $20,772.00
UW-Oshkosh $14,974.56
UW-Parkside $16,137.12
UW-Platteville $16,084.80
UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County $13,386.34
UW-River Falls $15,582.72
UW-Stevens Point $16,398.48
UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield $13,000.32
UW-Stevens Point at Wausau $13,000.32
UW-Stout $16,278.90UW-Stout’s tuition rates are per credit. Tuition listed is for 30 credits.
UW-Superior $14,995.20
UW-Whitewater $17,219.28
UW-Whitewater at Rock County $13,519.44

Additional Tuition Resources

UW System Tuition Chart

Non-Resident Tuition Programs

Estimate Your Annual Costs to Attend

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